DarkWinter Press is excited to announce our latest release, the debut short story collection Knives All Blade by Bojana Stojčić, available now in paperback and e-version for Kindle! You can buy it here!
About Knives All Blade:
Knives All Blade is a full-length collection of flash fiction and short stories which, although covering different topics—from motherhood, gender roles and peer pressure to relationship to death, religion and PTSD—are similar in the recurring theme of family ties, and loss and fears the protagonists face, as well as the overwhelming “feel(ing) like he could disappear, and no one would ever know.” Blurring the line between reality and fantasy, with most stories written in a first-person narrative, these character-driven journeys are universal stories that investigate the complexities of human action and relationships, and (almost) inevitable falls.
From The Foreword by Susan Richardson:
"With incredible craft, Stojčić holds a magnifying glass up to the most intricate and sometimes disturbing scars, examines the detail, the origin, finds the cracks, goes beneath. She makes it impossible to look away from what human nature tries, with desperate futility, to ignore; and she does this with such skill, you come away feeling exposed, yet somehow cleansed, free."
About The Author:
Bojana Stojčić was born, raised and educated in Serbia / lived in Canada / lives in Germany where she teaches and writes. Starting a writer’s blog back in 2017 reminded her how much she loves writing. As of then, dozens of her works of fiction, nonfiction, (prose) poetry, book reviews and essays have found beautiful homes in numerous literary journals, print and online magazines and anthologies, Rust + Moth, Anti-Heroin Chic, Barren Magazine, Ink Sweat & Tears, Versification and Okay Donkey, among others. She mainly writes women-centered stories in both realistic and magical settings, and loves dry humor, dark fiction and anti-heroism. This is her debut book.