DarkWinter Press is excited to announce our latest release, the crime novel Fighting For Decency by Gordon K. Jones, available now!
After drone specialist and newly-licensed private investigator Cody Marshall assists police in preventing the kidnapping of a young boy, his first official case is being hired by the boy's father to delve into why the child was taken. Cody’s girlfriend, the level-headed Toronto Police Officer Taylor Brant, is also assigned to investigate who was behind the attempt.
As the couple follow up separately, they both arrive at the same conclusion: the kidnapping was part of an elaborate scheme to raise money for the newly-formed violent white supremacist terror organization, Pyre.
Cody and Taylor soon find that their lives are in danger as they work to take down Pyre before the terrorists can unleash their fiery hate upon the city. Will Taylor and Cody be able to stop this violent hate organization before it’s too late? More importantly, will they be able to survive their first time working together?
“A new age novel that will surprise you at every turn. A commentary on current racial injustice and hate in society.” Ray McGregor, author of The Blue Knight and Memoirs of a Noble Man.
"From the opening chapter’s shootout to the novel’s explosive finish, Gordon Jones takes you on a wild ride through Toronto with lovers truly living in a dangerous time.” Ed Seaward, author of Fair.
Gordon K. Jones is the author of one non-fiction book, Defending the Inland Shores, the novels Predators and Prey and the internationally published Saving Tiberius. Fighting for Decency is his fourth published book and his third work of crime-fiction. He is a member of the Canadian Authors Association and Crime Writers of Canada. An avid Toronto Blue Jays fan, Gordon lives in Toronto with his wife, Teena and their two cats, Crumpet and Muffin.
You can buy Fighting For Decency in either paperback or e-version for Kindle here!