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Short Fiction and Poetry
Shortlist Saturdays: Thread of Indignity by Melissa Ridley Elmes
Gavin Helmscott III had lived, if you could call what he did living, nearly three centuries whole and unmolested, if a bit faded of late[..]
Shortlist Saturdays: Salvation by Petar Penda
An insidious intent tells our inner selves
Of sacrifice and solitude, suspense and sacrilege,
Of sorrows and souls' starvation [...]
This instrument I cannot tune between your ribs.
Inside these shadowlands of birch and pine,
your own svelte tongue ripe with sunlight.[...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Gumballs by Rene F. Tyo
That toy called to her. It wasn’t anything special: likely only cost four bucks brand new. However, something about this [...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Unfinished Victorian Dream, a.k.a. Dizzy Spells by Dagne Forrest
I remember losing the horizon
and everything above it.
It doesn’t matter, you’d said,
distracted, fixing the plate
with silvered salts[...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Consumer Hunger by J.P. Relph
A couple months ago, I could navigate these streets in snowshoes. Pull myself forward by jabbing deep with ski poles. That’s impossible[...]
Semicircle (or) The Arc of a Shore By Robert Frede Kenter
I would hold you closely
in the confines of a nightmare
We drift towards hollowness
not a mention of
empty pools of light [...]
Shortlist Saturdays: The Hollow Crown by Sharon Frayne
I stood beside my father when he killed a rabbit at the back of our farm. It was the same day that Regan, my baby brother, was born. [...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Cinders by C.E Hoffman
It started at twelve. Got worse at thirteen.
He was dying to hold her hand. That’s what makes us all first burn: desire [...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Newborn by Bill Garvey
Shortlist Saturdays presents Newborn by Bill Garvey! [...]
Shortlist Saturdays: Autumn Sonata by Zary Fekete
Shortlist Saturdays presents Autumn Sonata by Zary Fekete! [...]
And the short story winner is...The Water Ran Cold by Steven Baird
DarkWinter Lit is thrilled to announce that The Water Ran Cold was chosen as the winning short story in our 2nd Anniversary Contest [...]
And the poetry winner is...Seekers by Laurie Koensgen
DarkWinter Lit is thrilled to announce that Seekers by Laurie Koensgen was chosen as the winning poem in our 2nd Anniversary Contest [...]
Congratulations to the 2nd Anniversary Contest Shortlisters!
DarkWinter Lit is excited to announce the writers who have been shortlisted for our Poetry and Short Story 2nd Anniversary competition [...]
Congratulations to our Best Of The Net Nominees!
DarkWinter Lit is excited to announce our inaugural Best Of The Net nominees for 2023! [...]
And the short story winner is...The Interview by Christopher Waldrop
DarkWinter Lit is thrilled to announce that The Interview by Christopher Waldrop was chosen as the winning short story entry [...]
And the poetry winner is...Elizabeth's Fish by Jane Burn
see me flail upon the riverbank I cannot breathe I said
my body’s long brawn unwatered [...]
Congratulations to the 1st Anniversary Contest Shortlisters!
DarkWinter Lit is excited to announce the names of the writers who have been shortlisted for our Poetry and Short Story Contest! [...]
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