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Emergent World by Thomas Piekarski

Emergent World

He emerged from a giant agate egg at the edge

of time’s supernatural savanna, rubbed his eyes

so that he could observe what surrounded him,

barely able to differentiate between

the physical, ductile, actionable material

of which he seemed comprised, and all else

that occurred to him as he tramped alone,

perplexed at what self had been produced

from nothing, with no memory of any past

and minus faculty to contemplate the future,

only possessing faint instincts with which 

to assess what any particular thing is or isn’t.

Some kind of experiment, prototype, perhaps

primitive parasite. It was way too soon to know.

He stood upright on two feet, hairy brute,

with foul breath, wandered across the terrain,

Homo Erectus Rex, indisputable master

of himself, encountering not a single creature

he resembled. The bright yellow ball above

of no apparent use for he felt not cold nor heat.

As refuge he sought damp caverns beneath

coastal cliffs where as days passed he dreamt

of planets whizzing by, basilisks and dragons.

That was the dinosaur in him, the crude animal

always astray without being openly conscious

of motive, method, purpose, cause, outcome.

A pure freak of nature he, product of chance,

nuclear physics, mind, consciousness, wind.

He might have been sociable if only existed

others to teach him, caress, guide, console.

Most species have parents, newborns teats

to suck, fur or flesh providing assurance,

but Homo Erectus Rex had no one else,

which made him incorruptible, unaffected

by serpents, insolent intruders, space aliens.

Evolution flowed inside and around him with

every breath, each step trod across frozen turf.

He had no beginning nor end, yet embedded

in the roots of myth, religion and mysticism.

If you believe in magic you might say he was

the original miracle, if not at least a nice try.

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