In a holding cell unlike anything on Earth
Enrico #29091901 and other human detainees
Patiently await voluntary sterilisation
It's been this way since the ticker tape parades
Ended and the true state of affairs was revealed
Guardians had enough, intervened, landed in superior
Spacecrafts relegating man's highest achievements
To schoolboy projects marked – Work in Progress
A rescue mission for this planet, Designation: Earth
Virus man contained; population control underway
Restoration of land, fauna and flora estimation
One hundred years through early intervention
Enrico #29091901 keeps trying to recall
A name from long ago, two centuries or so
A man who simply asked, ‘where is everybody?’
Enrico #29091901 wonders what would he say now?
He’s sitting there all casual like
Chomping on my left hand's middle finger
Holding it over his campfire, toasting
It a bit before masticating some more
Grinning but there’s no-one home
Fool me, I was late to see Kate
So, into the forest deep I dared
Besides it’s all drivel, just hogwash
Dismissing those tales now several years old
Nothing more than screams of unfettered minds
Yet here I sit, heavy-hearted, afflicted
Waited until he finally nodded off
So trusting I’d stay and meet his family
But I run like Beelzebub himself is behind me
I’m crying so hard I can hardly see
Hurts deeper than any physical harm
Safe at last, the posse readies to hunt his kind
It must be done if we’re to survive
And I at last may lay to rest
My long-lost missing baby brother