So Like That
Down from the sky,
wings chop and cut and drop
to where the dead things lie
among the scattered plumes.
Crows there, those jagged bits of night,
take out the eyes, they take them first.
The vultures rip and tear the biggest pieces.
The flies, in their electric buzz, find a thousand places
and there, their white maggots come alive, they thrive.
The sun, even that,
laps up some part of the juice, the sap.
And then the earth and sand,
the last leavings, the bones even,
all eventually are dry --eventually, abandoned.
So like that, in its way,
time slips down from the sky,
slips in close to me
and eats and eats and eats.
And like the crows,
time starts with my eyes
so I will never know
exactly when I've died.
The Darkness of Night Â
The crow
broke off from the night
and stayed.
It spied for it throughout the day,
and with its great wings
brought it back down again,
landing it -- the night.
Who knew
that night was alive,
that it had claws to tear and rip and grab,
a beak, too, like a knife?
Who knew
that darkness could strike
with a force?
Who knew
it could get away?
Who knew
it was inevitable
and could fight for its place?
Who knew
that night had feathers to it
and a golden, watchful eye?
Who knows
its mission when we sleep,
its intentions, its schemes
or why it nests upon our dreams?
What a powerful piece, Erich. Loved the phrase, "those jagged bits of night" and the metaphor of time and crows praying on its victims in such similar ways . . . which was something you showed us with your mastery of your craft. Chilling but beautiful.