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The Patchwork Poems by Sonja Boon

work and mendings


work and mendings

for criminal politics:

            a handbook for hookers


work and mendings

the quilt of life:

            work threads craft

                        (for handmade women)


work and mendings:

            the Mrs. inspired –

                        quilt threads.

                        quilt dress.

                        quilt diary.


                        quilt life.

this strange embroidering


lost rivers and

threads of belonging

sing pleasure,

a language of being.


this tongue,

this name,

this strange embroidering –


everyday love

and a stitching of longing.

threads of knowing


unexpected oceans

of handmade waves

carried dark thinking with light


carried water

carried politics

carried law –


the embroidery of trouble


dark cloth

new life

across threads of knowing.

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