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Short Fiction and Poetry
Cautionary Tale; Gold Ribbon by Susan Richardson
I was once a damsel in a dress,
a sparkle in an eye that never blinked,
a master of incarcerating bitterness
on the back of my tongue [...]
Seven-Years-Old; The Day I Learned...; Boy A and Boy B; Out Of the Fire; Monsters by Steve Denehan
Today was the day that she said
Daddy, you won’t know the age that I die at [...]
Good Morning; A Process Document Re: Life by CL Bledsoe
You text me good morning at midnight. When I wake,
I write all the ways to tear down
the world with you [...]
My Students Organized A Sit-In Protest Against Me by Bojana Stojcic
but I can’t think about it now coz
the sun is shining like a well-polished shoe and
life assumes a different rhythm on the weekend [...]
Breaking The Cycle by Kara Valore
I was never told the difference between control and love
and how the two can be split apart like conjoined twins [...]
Avian Flu by Torian Bay
A cycloptic bluebird
drops social chyme
into dependent beaks.
They snap and chat,
eager to swallow
the virus of their dead [...]
Wash Away; Folding by Gina Manchego Zufall
I only allow myself to weep when I’m in the shower. Exposed and completely vulnerable [...]
Memories of Ashen Bones by Kerstan Batchelor
She awoke draped in transparency.
The cemetery was wandering across her mind like a nightmare in a shadow box [...]
Entranced; My Soul Lies In These Hills by Margaret Randall
I heard the cry of seagulls far away.
It echoed in the chambers overhead
And lingered in my ears a while,
So serene and peaceful [...]
Summer Days That I Love; Illusions Of Summer by Yuu Ikeda
Tears like summer rain
mark complicated emotions
on my cheeks [...]
Hidebound; Wax Fruit by Michael Igoe
These darkened bones
of half broken horses.
Arguing at a gallop
soon they became
drenched in lather [...]
What Home Do You Leave?; Why Do I Suddenly Feel Free Of Panic? by Ace Boggess
City that held me in its undercurrents:
drug deals, bars at night, bands
that came & went like minor crimes [...]
Gracie; Falling Out by Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon
for the first time in ages
I welcome the warm weight
of a small child on my lap
the nape of her neck
beneath her silken hairline [...]
Crow; Demolition by Susan Richardson
It began with a samba in my chest,
a crow beating its wings
in furious tempo against my rib bones [...]
Abstraction; A Distant Fawn; Night Sea Journey by Patrick Wright
Off in the glades, a fawn crouches, hears its own heartbeat, a wolf upwind. & still a whole field killed by lightning. [...]
No News For Me by Ella Nathanael Alkiewicz
The anxiety pounds
& Fear
i n t o
my marrow [...]
The Solitude of Drowning; I Love Your Every Shade of Dark by Elizabeth Mercurio
Drive out to the wild coast, to forget.
Imagine a life—
drift across the Atlantic
& don’t look back [...]
Maleficent's Curse Revised; The Wicked Witch of the West by Celia Lisset Alvarez
A spindly death at sixteen is not too bad a fate.
What’s there to lose but youth?
What’s there to fear but death? [...]
Prisoner by Patrick Connors
I have lost my voice.
The only word I have ever felt beating
in my heart, echoing through my mind
has been taken from me [...]
Dust Jacket by Lene MacLeod
Vintage vacuum cleaner
sucks the detritus of life
into its wheeled, round chamber [...]
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