This year, DarkWinter Literary Magazine was able to nominate some of our authors for the Best Of The Net Anthology Best Of The Net awards are annual literary recognition awards for poetry or prose published online and hundreds of online journals participate. We were limited to 2 short stories and 6 poems published between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 and it was an incredibly strong field to choose from, thanks to all of you amazing writers.
That being said, we are very proud to present the inaugural DarkWinter Lit nominees for the 2023 Best Of The Net Anthology!
Collins Aguilar - I Hear You
Steven Baird - Lamentations of a Farmer
Jane Burn - Elizabeth's Fish
Steve Denehan - Boy A and Boy B
Bill Garvey - While cycling out of Chéticamp
Krista Kulisch - Summer Swimming
Susan Richardson - Gold Ribbon
KR Wilson - Dad Jokes
Your literary endeavor is producing considerable dividends. Here's to its continued expansion.