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Short Fiction and Poetry

Order; The Saguaro by A.R. Arthur
We drown daily in a deluge
Of distortions and images;
Widely disseminated narratives
Of wanton carnage [...]

Under The Willow Tree Now; Short Stories Are Safer by Richard LeDue
The shade is a shade of loneliness,
while the fresh air is ruined
by the stink of a cancer diagnosis,
falling out of a doctor's mouth [...]

In Europe; Shame by Ian C. Smith
No future aged scene where you count my pills,
no marriage bed thrum, giddy days all done,
a melancholic outline of pale hills [...]

don't be surprised when she rejects you; searching for the last bone by Linda Crate
just because i showed you
my light and my flowers
doesn't mean that i am not more
than mere petals and soft sunlit
nights and mornings[...]

Even When We Did Not Have Anything, We Had Something; Ode To My Lips by Shirley Luke
Hardwood floor, stained, edges charred black
years of praying, of playing, of crying
Cobwebs in the windows, roaches on the walls [...]

Declaration by Uchechukwu Onyedikam/Christina Chin
empty belly —
the labourers make noise
still noise
remain under
oppressive rule
muted —
guns silencing us
helmets & boots [...]

Blue Pride by Stefanie Shapiro
The lines run on the surface of her skin, her face
Thin, translucent skin
Marathoners thirsty for distance, slow but steady [...]

The Undertaker by Cadeem Lalor
I used to speak with my family more, used to have more friends,
Over the years, they have drifted away [...]

Unlikely by Marc Isaac Potter
Unfortunately right out of the gate I have to tell you that I'm a disabled person
If I listed all the things that are wrong [...]

Out Of Sight, Out Of Land; The Tree That Brings Me Home by Reed Venrick
Still dawn, heading southeast
Out of Key Largo’s mangroves.
Watch your I-phone’s compass
move between 90 degrees to
120 [...]

Perspective; Business As Usual by Lesley Goldie
red roofs
lichen covered
chimneys like sentries make a nonsense
of perspective [..]

Nobody Really Dies; I Don't Want To Die; Nobody Lives Forever by Gale Acuff
Nobody really dies my Sunday School
teacher says, They live on in Heaven or
in Hell if you can call life in Hell life [...]

I Drew The Death Card by Mona Mehas
I drew the Death Card
Of ghostly ghastly supernatural significance
Cherry-chocolate, lemon-lime
Flavors your choice, take your time [...]

Bonetown; Here I Rest, And Cave by Lotté Jean
Mouths come to their end
speak only solemnly yet with fire tongues.
Dirt traps and privilege zones that fade [...]

Poems Everywhere; Another Poem Ruined By A Parachute; Troublemakers With Pens by Richard LeDue
You may not know it,
but you're a walking potential poem.
All you need to do is double park
beside a poet, and they'll turn a page [...]

The Spectacles by Sujata Sahani; translation by Pitambar Naik
Not because it’s not visible to me from the root of the palm tree
from the wavy paddy fields, the scarecrow calls me [...]

summer swimming by Krista Kulisch
velvet wafts of stale air
chewed gum melted into sinking
pools for unsuspecting strays
who don’t watch the hands
of the clock [...]

Iteritiveness; This Isn't Persiflage by Sanjeev Sethi
Musicality of slant rhyme
comes naturally to some:
as with strangeness
and other shortcomings. [...]

Poets In The Rain by Michael Lee Johnson
All poets are crazy. Listen to them soak
sponge in early rain medley notes sounding off [...]

Muse by Charlotte Rahme
The woman’s hair was brittle and grey, as she lay in her quiet bed.
Breathing in the fading day,
Soft, weak, shallow [...]
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